jueves, 12 de agosto de 2010


Almost every day we describe and assess the personalities of the people around us. Whether we realize it or not, these daily musings on how and why people behave as they do are similar to what personality psychologists do.

While our informal assessments of personality tend to focus more on individuals, personality psychologists instead use conceptions of personality that can apply to everyone. Some kinds of personalities are: extraverted or introverted, sensing or intuitive, thinking or feeling, judging or perceiving.

Everyone has their personality. We can’t judge to somebody for their manner to express, to act or to think. We must to respect aour personalities. Personality types are a great way to understand more about yourself and how you interact with the world.

Feng Shui

Feng shui is an ancient and wise approach to the way our environment affects us. The way we feel and the way we act is affected in a great amount by the environment which surrounds us. Therefore, by learning how to properly organize what surrounds us, we can improve our lives, and that is what feng shui is about.

By organizing our environment randomly, we don’t take control of how it affects us and give it the chance to become an obstacle without even realizing of it. Feng shui teaches us that the spaces where we live or work should be thoughtfully disposed in order to take the best advantage of them and make them be a help to us rather than an obstacle.

Feng shui shows us how our spaces can be designed and re-arranged in order to provide us the right balance and harmony. Simple things such as the position in which we place our desk, can become determinative to the harmony we feel in that space, and affect factors such as the concentration we may have when working in that space.

As we can see, feng shui can provide us a very rich and wise new world to explore. By acquiring the knowledge it has to provide, we can understand and improve our environment or space, whatever its nature is. This way, feng shui allow us to improve our life style and our energy by maximizing the environment in which we are.

Innovation Week


This is the first time I see a week of innovation. I really like the idea that the university encourages students to become involved with technology, involving us in activities that were performed.
I think that the organization was very good. Everything was very organized and the students were able to enjoy each of the activities.
Thank you very much for this great opportunity. And I hope we can enjoy the next year of another event like this.

Sharon Marín

The Fracture Movie

The Fracture movie is about Theodore Crawford discovers that his wife has been having an affair. He then murders her and manipulates the justice system to get away with the crime. However, William Beachum is a determined prosecutor bound to prove his guilt.

Theodore Crawford, a wealthy and talented aeronautical engineer, discovers that his wife Jennifer is having an affair with police detective Robert Nunally. Crawford proceeds to shoot his wife, seriously wounding her, and immediately confesses the crime to Nunally at the scene. However, at his arraignment, Crawford retracts his confession.

He then engages in a battle of wits with rising star deputy district attorney William "Willy" Beachum, who considers this an open-and-shut matter and agrees to go to trial. Beachum is busy, making preparations for his transition from criminal law to corporate attorney for Wooton & Simms, a well-known law firm, and begins a romantic relationship with his future boss, Nikki Gardner.
At the end of all history Ted is unmasked and Willy manages to put him in prison.

miércoles, 11 de agosto de 2010


In a very personal opinion I don’t believe in religions, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t believe in God. What I mean is that we should have a relationship with God. And the videos we saw in class taught me a lot.

The José Luis de Jesús Miranda’s video, showed me that many people follow a simple man. I think maybe they go in search of the truth. And as it says a great book: Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life... Many people have different ways of finding their true, their inner peace. My peace comes from God, speaking with him, is where I find the truth.

The other video about the priest, who raped children, shows a reality that not only lives the Catholic church also in other churches happens. But in general we can’t judge the mistakes committed by a man. Finally I believe in God, he can guide my way and give me what I need.

Supersize me

Super Size Me is a 2004 American documentary film directed by and starring Morgan Spurlock, an American independent filmmaker. Spurlock's film follows a 28-day time period which he eats only McDonald's food. The film documents this lifestyle's drastic effects on Spurlock's physical and psychological well-being. And explores the fast food industry's corporate influence, including how it encourages poor nutrition for its own profit.

Spurlock dined at McDonald's restaurants three times per day, eating every item on the chain's menu. He always chose to "super-size" his meal, if he was offered. The reason for Spurlock's investigation was the increasing spread of obesity throughout American society. And this problem not only happens in the U.S. population but throughout the world. Including our country, because we are not exempt from what happens with fast food.

We saw as Morgan's body was changing as the days passed. Ingesting this junk food causes several diseases. For example hypertension, diabetes also experienced mood swings, sexual dysfunction and damage to his liver. To return to his normal condition took him a lot of months.

Warriors without weapons

Usually in most countries the only way to solve problems is through the wars and weapons. However, there is a better solution that does not require the shedding of innocent blood, such as the International Committee of the Red Cross. The Red Cross organization is internationally known for their significant assistance and support it gives profound always looking for good humanitarian, during peacetime and wartime.

For many people a warrior is who has weapons and is in the midst of a battle. And people don’t give importance to those who are part of a real social war, those who are part of this committee. That is exclusively humanitarian mission to protect the lives and dignity of victims of war and internal violence. These are courageous people who often threaten their lives to save the life of others.

We should support them; give them motivation to continue their efforts to assist countries and people. They are true warriors without weapons.


What is the meaning of privacy? Privacy can be defined as the area of an individual's personal life that takes place in a reserved space should be kept confidential. If we know the meaning of privacy, why it is easy to us to intrude on the privacy of others?

Perhaps sometimes we suffered in our family that they have meddled in our stuff. If that happens in our household which is supposed to be the place where we have more freedom, where we can be ourselves. How we will feel when the work rather than monitor your performance rather get into your private life?

The truth I would not feel well while working in a place where the security of the company becomes the perfect excuse to reveal your deepest secrets. There are times that we share with the people around us like friends, family or colleagues. But we also need to take time alone where we can reflect on our lives. Or just keep things within us do not want anyone to figure out.

Why the people have to violate that right? Whether in our homes, in our study site or in our workplace we must respect the privacy of others, so they can respect ours.


This activity was on July 20th, the Escats group made a concert in the auditorium of Ulacit. The people who arrived to see the group was so anxious, because they wanted to listen the famous and wonderful songs of Escats.

Then came the expected time, finally we could listen Escats singing their hits like: Llanto del alma, Recuerdame, that are in the cd named: para quien quiera que seas, donde quiera que estes. And also sang their new songs like: tu luz and perdoname.

Finally I think that the activity was so good. Because not always we listen one of the most famous groups of Costa Rica like Escats is. There is a nice group for that reason is that they are on the top.

martes, 10 de agosto de 2010

Tipping Point

The author of this book is Malcolm Gladwell . He explains that it's a book about change. In particular, it's a book that presents a new way of understanding why change so often happens as quickly and as unexpectedly as it does. For example, why did crime drop so dramatically in New York City? Or how does a novel written by an unknown author end up as national bestseller?

The answer to those questions is the same. It's that ideas and behavior and messages and products sometimes behave just like outbreaks of infectious disease. They are social epidemics. The Tipping Point is an examination of the social epidemics that surround us. Also Gladwell in this book describes the "three rules of epidemics".

The first one is The Law of the Few. The author said that the success of any kind of social epidemic is heavily dependent on the involvement of people with a particular and rare set of social gifts. People like connectors: are the people who "link us up with the world ... people with a special gift for bringing the world together. Furthermore are the mavens who are "information specialists". And finally the salesmen who are "persuaders", people with powerful negotiation skills.

The second rule is The Stickiness Factor, the specific content of a message that renders its impact memorable. And the third one is The Power of Context: Human behavior is sensitive to and strongly influenced by its environment. This a few resume about the book of Malcolm Gladwell named The Tipping Point.

miércoles, 30 de junio de 2010


Honesty… this is a word very recognized by all, but practiced by very few. Even more in these times in which the society isn’t interested in wiping out all so not to tarnish his name and get rid of any guilt. But what is honesty? It is a human quality that is to behave and speak with sincerity and consistency, respecting the values of justice and truth. And it's funny how we demand others to have this quality, but why we don’t demand to ourselves? I imagine that the consequences are causing this.

These often can be positive or negative. Example of that positive could be: have a transparent life with others, will not have problems in finding more lies to cover to cover others that you said before. And to illustrate the disadvantages of being honest are: that might hurt someone's feelings, or maybe you will discover some secrets that need to stay hidden.

Acknowledge an honest person is easy because present some of these attitudes. Always is sincere in their behavior, words and emotions. Meets its commitments and obligations to the letter, no cheating, deception or volunteers delays. Avoid gossip and criticism that affect negatively the character of others. Keep discretion and seriousness to the personal confidences and secrets. Have particular attention to the management of economic assets and materials.

Furthermore, we must stop demanding others to be honest and we have to star to be honest with a few tips. Learn to know ourselves, express our feelings and thoughts without fear, never forget the truth, keep our promises, and fight for what we want with justice. We must not forget that the values must first be experienced personally, before demanding that others meet our expectations.

Syndrome of Pica

Alcohol, marijuana, crack, heroin, cigarettes… For years human beings have classified these substances as the most common addictions, but what about the incessant necessity to surf the internet or the obsession of having sex? These are only few examples of singular cases of addictions unnoticed for some people and many may be suffering but are ignorant to this. In this article will be spoken about a peculiar addiction, syndrome of Pica. Now comes to our minds what is this unusual syndrome?

Well, the syndrome of Pica is a strange disease that provokes obsessive desires to eat substances not intended to the human consumption. An example is the ingestion of materials such as: condoms, plaster, hair, mud, ice, cigarette butts, and shoe polish. A peculiar fact is that this disorder is named in reference to a magpie called Pica Pica, which makes its nest with all materials it collects. Also it’s known as Allotriophagy, a term derived from “allotrio” that means strange an “phagy” means eat.

In addition depending of the type of food or substance ingested will have a specific name, like pagophagia (eating ice) or Coprogafia (eating dregs). Exist a case of one man who was gotten depressed by lose his family. One day suffered a very strong stomach ache and went to the hospital, when the doctors checked him; they realize that his pain was not from depression but from "snake hairs" of a meter long. This is too dangerous because can strangle the intestine and trigger the death of a person.

On the other hand there are the causes that trigger this unusual disorder, although they remain an enigma to the doctors since it has not been whole resolved. But there are several theories to explain their origin. Some people think that this can be provocated by nutritional deficiencies, cultural factors or psychological reasons. For example some cultures accept the Pica as a way to treat morning sickness or to increase spirituality. Many times may be due to mental illness and psychological traumas as stress, fear or abuse.

Besides this disease can cause serious complications and damage to health. These may include the following: poisoning by lead exposure or consumption, bowel obstructions, infections by parasites and dental injuries. These may include the following: poisoning by lead exposure or consumption, bowel obstructions, infections by parasites and dental injuries. The good news is that there are treatments for those who have or believe they are suffering this addiction. The most common are: administration of nutritional supplements, medication to control cravings, stress or depression, counseling, behavioral therapy or behavioral problems.

After reading this we should be more concerned about those "little things" that although we may be affecting our lives, although in a subtle way.