miércoles, 30 de junio de 2010


Honesty… this is a word very recognized by all, but practiced by very few. Even more in these times in which the society isn’t interested in wiping out all so not to tarnish his name and get rid of any guilt. But what is honesty? It is a human quality that is to behave and speak with sincerity and consistency, respecting the values of justice and truth. And it's funny how we demand others to have this quality, but why we don’t demand to ourselves? I imagine that the consequences are causing this.

These often can be positive or negative. Example of that positive could be: have a transparent life with others, will not have problems in finding more lies to cover to cover others that you said before. And to illustrate the disadvantages of being honest are: that might hurt someone's feelings, or maybe you will discover some secrets that need to stay hidden.

Acknowledge an honest person is easy because present some of these attitudes. Always is sincere in their behavior, words and emotions. Meets its commitments and obligations to the letter, no cheating, deception or volunteers delays. Avoid gossip and criticism that affect negatively the character of others. Keep discretion and seriousness to the personal confidences and secrets. Have particular attention to the management of economic assets and materials.

Furthermore, we must stop demanding others to be honest and we have to star to be honest with a few tips. Learn to know ourselves, express our feelings and thoughts without fear, never forget the truth, keep our promises, and fight for what we want with justice. We must not forget that the values must first be experienced personally, before demanding that others meet our expectations.

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